Name and Status | Purpose | Membership | General Assembly | Executive Committee | Sub-Committees | Financial Matters | Elections | Dissolution | Amendments
5. Executive Committee | |
5.1 The Association shall be governed by an Executive Committee
5.2 The Committee shall have the power to govern and represent the Association and determine its policies in accordance with the Constitution and by-laws. 5.3 The Committee shall consist of nine (9) officers elected by secret ballot: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Deputy-Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy-Treasurer, Educational Officer, Deputy-Educational Officer and Government Liaison Officer. 5.4 The Committee shall perform the following: Raise, manage and control all Association funds Publish and distribute any worthy publication not in conflict with the Association’s charter Maintain a directory of Association members Undertake activities that would further the purpose of the Association Call for the assistance of any expert in any technical, financial and or educational matter who shall be considered as a consultant Appoint employees in exchange for a fixed salary decided on by a majority of the members of the Committee. 5.5 The elected Committee presided by the eldest member shall call for a secret ballot election to assign the offices. 5.6 A member of the Committee can be assigned no more than two (2) offices. 5.7 Officers and Functions 5.7.1 The President: Shall have the power to convene the Associations’ General Assembly and Executive Committee according to the regulations of the By-Laws Shall preside over meetings of the General Assembly and of the Executive Committee Shall represent the Association in person or by a delegate before all official and private authorities Shall, together with the Treasurer, sign all financial agreements on behalf of the Association Shall oversee the execution of all decisions rendered by the General Assembly and the Executive Committee 5.7.2 The Vice-President: Shall assume all the functions of the President during his/her absence or temporary disability (If the President and the Vice-President are absent, the eldest member shall preside over the meeting.) Shall become the President for the remaining term of the Presidency in case of resignation, disability or death of the President 5.7.3 The Secretary: Shall be responsible for the correspondence of the Association which shall be forwarded to the President Shall be responsible for the administration of the Association’s office Shall be responsible for keeping and filling the minutes of the meetings of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee 5.7.4 The Deputy-Secretary: Shall assume all the functions of the Secretary during his/her absence or temporary disability Shall become the Secretary for the remaining term of office in case of resignation, disability or death of the Secretary 5.7.5 The Treasurer: Shall be responsible for the funds in his possession and the accounts of the Association Shall present an annual Financial Report incorporating and audited Balance Sheet and an Income and Expense Account and the Budget for the current year Shall submit the said Report to the Executive Committee for approval and distribution to the members of the Association Shall, together with the President, sign all financial agreements on behalf of the Association Shall send copies of the Financial Reports to the Association’s office for filing 5.7.6 The Deputy-Treasurer: Shall assume all the functions of the Treasurer during his/her absence or temporary disability Shall become the Treasurer for the remaining term of office in case of resignation, disability or death of the Treasurer. 5.7.7 Educational Officer: Shall make all necessary arrangements in connection with events and activities organized by the Association Shall be responsible for all publications produced by the Association 5.7.8 Deputy-Educational Officer: Shall assume all the functions of the Educational Officer during his/her absence or temporary disability Shall become the Educational Officer for the remaining term of office in case of resignation, disability or death of the Educational Officer 5.7.9 Government Liaison Officer: Shall carry out Association business related to the Lebanese Government Shall hold copies of all official papers and transactions between the Association and the Government Shall send all original copies of official papers and transactions between the Association and the Government for filing 5.8 Meetings 5.8.1 The Committee shall meet at least once a month at the day and time appointed by the President. 5.8.2 The Committee shall also meet at any time on a call by the President on his/her initiative. 5.8.3 A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. 5.8.4 Prior to each meeting, the minutes of the former session shall be read and approved. 5.9 Term of Office 5.9.1 The term of office for the Committee shall be three (3) years. 5.9.2 If there are three (3) vacancies in the Executive Committee and more than six (6) months to its tenure, elections shall be held to fill those vacancies. |
6 Sub-Committees | |
6.1 Regional Committees
6.1.1 A number of Regional Committees composed of Coordinators will be appointed by the Executive Committee to cover the different geographical areas of the country. 6.1.2 Committee membership shall be open to all registered members of the Association. 6.1.3 The Executive Committee shall be entitled to appoint Committee members when this is deemed necessary. 6.1.4 The President of the Association shall call the members of the Committees or any Committee separately when this is deemed appropriate and desirable. 6.1.5 Each Committee shall elect a Chair and a Secretary. 6.1.6 The function of a Regional Committee is To preserve constant contact between the members and the Association To aid the Executive Committee in the distribution of the Newsletter, other publications and announcements To forward to the Executive Committee recommendations of members in connection with the development and promotion of ELT To organize activities in its region after acquiring the consent of the Executive Committee To assist the Executive Committee in the gathering of the Membership Annual Fees To promote the mission of the Association to recruit additional members 6.2 Disciplinary Committee 6.2.1 The Executive Committee shall be entitled to appoint three members from the General Assembly. 6.2.2 The President of the Executive Committee shall chair this Committee. 6.2.3 The Secretary of the Executive Committee shall record the proceedings of this Committee. 6.2.4 The Executive Committee shall refer charges of moral or material damage to the Association to the Disciplinary Committee. 6.2.5 The function of the Disciplinary Committee shall be to determine whether an offence has been committed and to submit a motion as to the offense and the penalty. 6.2.6 The resolution of the said motion and penalty shall require the vote of two-thirds of the Executive Committee. 6.2.7 The offender shall be allowed to object before the General Assembly once notification is received. 6.3 Nominating and Elections Committee 6.3.1 The Nominating and Elections Committee consists of the three (3) eldest members of the General Assembly. 6.3.2 The function of the Nominating and Elections Committee is To prepare a slate of nominees for the following General Election To present the said slate to the Executive Committee before elections to be made available to all members before the elections To obtain the consent of each candidate before placing his/her name in the ballot To prepare relevant biographical information about each candidate to accompany the ballots mailed to the members 6.4 The Executive Committee may appoint committees from among its members or the active members of the Association to assist in the carrying out of the business and programs of the Association.